My boyfriend had made a horrible decision to get behind the wheel one night after having too much to drink.
Thank you Attorney Hart Levin and many blessings over your law firm. This is why I am singing ‘One in a Million chance of a Lifetime’ some lyrics from the song - ‘One in a Million You’ by Larry Graham. Attorney Hart Levin delivered a positive outcome for my son so that he can continue to make a positive difference in this life!!!! When one has Black children and children of color, parents’ must stand vigilant and find the Hart Levin’s - attorneys- in this world. As Attorney Levin educated us relative to the process, we knew that he studied the ‘law’, knew how to convey to us information, and knew his ‘stuff’. After speaking w ith Attorney Hart, I felt a ‘peace’ in the mist of the storm. When he called me, he stated that he had found the ‘right answer’ - Attorney Hart Levin. Attorney Hart Levin is ‘One in a million chance of a Lifetime’ legal minds who represented my son (BLACK) in the Halls of Justice - royally!! I am a Black Mother who needed extraordinary legal representation for my dear son - God sent Attorney Hart Levin and his excellent/friendly staff!!! My son’s friends told him that he is the best!! First time ever for my son - this hiccup in his life.